I used to be afraid to fly, now I enjoy the majesticness of being 30,000 feet above the ground, soaring through the clouds.
I used to be a little bit negative about some elements of life, but in the last few years I've found positivity really does create good results.
I used to be caught up in what's happened in the past and what will happen in the future, but instead have learned the most important time is the present.
I used to say I wasn't much of a reader, but recently I finished a 300 page book in less than a day.
I used to say I wasn't a runner, but each day I run a little more.
I used to say I'd never have a chance to work in sports, but 2 years ago I landed my current job in Mariners Radio.
I used to think the only guys I'd date weren't always the nicest guys, but these days the only guys I seem to be meeting are nice guys.
I used to think my writing was only something I enjoy, but I now enjoy sharing it with others.
I used to think I'd never have a good realtionship with certain people in my life, but those relationships are better than they've ever been.
I used to think I'd never get a chance to travel as much as I'd like, but I've spent the last year traveling more than I ever have with plans to do even more in the future.
I used to think religion had all the answers, but I've come to realize that most answers come from within.
I used to care what other people thought, but have found the only thoughts that matter are your own.
I used to say, think and be a lot of things that I don't and I'm not today and tomorrow I may say, think or be a lot of things I didn't and wasn't yesterday. However, one thing I know I will always say, is be kind. One thing I will always think is that positivity is the key to success and one thing I will always be is me.