I may only be 24, but I've learned a few of things so far...
I’ve learned that your twenties are turbulent, but also terrific.
I’ve learned that friends will come and go, but the truest of the true will always be there, and no matter how many “Facebook” friends you have, or how many people you run into that you may know, it’s the ones who’ve stood by you through thick, thin, good, bad, ugly and beautiful that matter the most.
I’ve learned that when your parents and teachers once said you can be anything you want to be, you truly can- all you have to do is believe it, and go after it and it will happen.
I’ve learned that the 20’s are a time of self-discovery and the realization that the person you are isn’t necessarily changing, but actually finding the potential that lies within you.
I’ve learned that one should never settle for anything less than a person who highlights and brings out the very best parts of you; the person who allows you to be who you are without any caution or thought. The person who respects you, is honest with you, and sees the deepest parts of you that even you sometimes forget are there.
I’ve learned that it’s important to surround yourself around the kind of people who are positive and uplifting and to steer clear of those who bring you down.
I’ve learned that life is essentially made of three doors: Past, Present, Future. It is best to keep the past locked and bolted, the present wide open and the future unlocked, faced towards your present with a sign that says, “Enter Here”.
I’ve learned that your events from your childhood can have a significant impact on your adulthood and it’s up to you to decide how you’d like to embrace it all.
I’ve learned that it’s ok to question religion and politics, and to decide for yourself what you believe to be true and fair without passing judgments or criticisms on others (I’ve also learned the last part is one of the hardest things for people to avoid doing).
I’ve learned to never forget what it is you deserve- whatever you feel that is.
I’ve learned that it’s best to face your demons and your fears head on and in the words of John Mayer, “Fear is a friend who’s misunderstood”.
I’ve learned that positivity gets you a long way, and I’ve also learned that it’s one of the hardest practices to follow when the going gets tough, but the fastest way to step out of it.
I’ve learned that every person who enters and leaves your life serves a purpose- there’s something to be gained from all relationships and friendships, and it’s up to you to decide what that purpose is.
I’ve learned that the only person you have control over is yourself, and to ever attempt to control anyone else or their life is simply the ego’s dissatisfaction with itself.
I’ve learned that stubbornness sucks, jealousy is useless, dishonesty gets you no where, manipulation is for the weak and at the end of the day, they all take you no where but to a place of discontentment with yourself.
I’ve learned that you can have everything you’ve ever wanted, your life could be right on par with where you’ve always pictured it. You can follow every single one of the things I’ve learned above, but you can never be truly satisfied with anything until you find happiness and contentment within yourself.
Lastly, I’ve learned that the words: Believe, Love, Kindness, Honesty, Integrity, Positivity and Happiness are also some of the main ingredients for a wonderful life- and if you ask me a wonderful life tastes pretty damn good.
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