Thursday, January 21, 2010

When Tragedy Strikes

In the wake of the devastation going on in Haiti after their tremendous earthquake that struck last week, and the flow of aftershocks still taunting them, I can’t help but feel compelled to write about something that always leave me a bit curious about, well humanity.

First and foremost, I want to be clear that I undoubtedly agree that we all need to join together during times like these to help our fellow citizens of the world in aiding in whatever way possible, whether that be in a monetary structure, a physical structure or a spiritual structure. One small country can’t do it alone, and with the devastation like they’re facing, they need all the help they can get. But, there are two things that always seem to strike a chord with me when tragedies such as this one in Haiti, the Tsunami is Thailand, the Hurricane in New Orleans, the attack of the Trade Centers, etc, etc occur: 1.) Why in times like these do people feel the need to capitalize on tragic events? And 2.) Why can’t we be like this all the time?

Let’s start with tragic events and the evil monsters in the world who see it as a way to enhance their bank account numbers while toying with people’s vulnerable emotions during sad times. I know it takes all people to make the world go ‘round- even no good doers. But, this is really something I’ll never understand. What really got me going on all of this thought was finding out that a recent campaign geared at American Airlines, stating they’d fly people wanting to help in the Haiti disaster down there to do their part in taking care of those who need it most. Shortly thereafter, we all learned it was a hoax. Granted, I don’t think there was money lost or given in this hoax, but I know it doesn’t stop there. When tragedy strikes, people are always more willing to open up not only their hearts, but their wallets, which in turn creates vulnerability to scams, but that’s what drives me wild- WHY!? Where are the hearts of these people? Sometimes I wish I could just peek inside the mind of someone like this to get a feel for what’s really going on up there, because it just doesn’t make sense to me. Then again, I’m also a firm believer in Karma.

Now, let’s take a look at my other point in this writing- why can’t the world come together as one all the time? I’m sure there have been studies on longevity of open hearts and togetherness and patriotism and how long it lasts after a tragedy strikes. But, it’s something that, while I think it’s fabulous people are at least willing to reach out a helping hand, I wish could be something that sticks in the mind and hearts of others for an infinite amount of time.

I don’t think you ever really forget how you felt on 9/11, or when you saw the devastation in Thailand or New Orleans or when fires ruined entire towns, or when innocent people’s lives are taken and families are left with nothing more than memories and sorrow- you never really FORGET what happened or how it made you feel, yet you do forget the need to reach out and help. That desire to put aside your differences, and hold hands with a stranger, or give money to someone who isn’t connected to you in any way, or send a smile towards someone you aren’t getting along with. Somehow, time passes, and the usual ways of benefiting yourself and your needs always come back into play.

I know it’s life, and whether it’s unfortunate or not, it’s human nature. I just wish there was a way to make human nature a little more bonded on a constant basis without the need for tragic events to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts: We are all connected. If we can continuously remember this, we will all treat each other a little bit better. Everyone has their own situations to deal with, and very few people are going to be able and/or willing to dedicate all their time to others. However, as long as we allow interconnectedness to guide our actions, and live with the knowledge that our decisions affect all those around us, I think we would all live a little more purposefully, peacefully, and respectfully.
