Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day

Oh Valentines Day, the token Hallmark holiday that leaves women either beaming from cheek to cheek or frowning to their toes, men secretly grumbling to themselves about the fact that they have to fork out extra dough for a dozen roses because the cost of them sky rocket this time of year, and everyone in between saying, "What's the big deal anyways?"

I'm going to be honest, in the past during my single days I was one of the many "Valentines Day Haters" out there. I used to make typical single-jaded-girl comments such as, "It's a made up holiday". "It's just an excuse for retailers to exploit people". "Great, another reminder that I haven't fallen madly in love with someone in a while." Yes, I was "THAT GIRL" in the past, but this year was different.

Not a whole lot has changed on my relationship front, I'm still single and this time around there's not one single love interest in my life. However, I've learned that love isn't something to be jealous of, jaded by, or afraid of. Love is one of those things that is special, sacred, indescribable, a bit scary and one of the most wonderful things you can give to another person. Love isn't easy to find and it's hard to really understand and if you ask me, something that mysterious and fabulous is something to be celebrated.

Love is also one of those things that can be experienced on so many different levels- family, friends, lovers... even things if that's what you're into. I've decided that a day like Valentines day is not a day to moan and groan about, it really is a day that should be celebrated and appreciated. Why not celebrate that feeling you get when you're with your friends and family? Or the feeling between two souls who have a connection deeper than anyone else can really understand?

I know it's easy to get the grumpies around this time of year if there's not a significant other in your life, but I wish for once the singles would realize that a day like Valentines Day is a day to celebrate all the love in your heart that you have for those around you and are saving for that one special someone, someday.

Love isn't a disease so don't treat it's special day like one!

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