Do you ever have moments when you stop to take a look at the world around you- I mean really take a look at the world around you? Moments when you actually look up and notice where you are at that very moment in time. When I lived in Seattle, there was hardly ever a day that went by that I didn't appreciate, even if it was fleeting, the beauty I was immersed in and had the blessing to call home. But, since my move to San Francisco, I've found this present moment encapsulation has become not just a moment of appreciation, but a moment of validation.
The other day, I decided it to take a stroll throughout my new city to explore all the nooks and crannies my surrounding neighborhoods had to offer, which lead to a three hour expedition of hill climbing, alley way wandering, marina park bench sitting and, "Oh, I better check that place out" thinking. As I wandered along, mellow jams in my ears and smile on my face, I couldn't help but feel overcome by the feelings of both complete solace and utter contentment and then within that very moment, as I turned a corner and left what looked like China and walked into what looked like Italy only to see to my right the beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge and all it's surroundings did I realize, "I am somewhere I dreamed of living and I'm actually LIVING here. This is my HOME!"
The thought caused me to have a brief feeling of guilt as I still have a deep rooted love for my native home that will never go away, but regardless, I couldn't help but feel overcome with the happiness I felt for being where I was at that very moment, for it was only 6 months prior that I had told myself San Francisco was a city I wanted to live in.
To this day, I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around just how fast my life changed and just how big of a move this really was for me, being that it was my first real move away from a regional area that was so familiar, comfortable and loved, but regardless of how much adjusting I've subconsciously gone through and how stressful it may have been even without admitting it, I never allowed myself to think of it in that way (outside of one minor meltdown on my first trip back home...big shout out to my best friends and little brother who brought those tears to life- you are loved.) For this move has hands down been the best decision I've ever made.
In just five short months, I've learned more about myself (and trust me, I've learned quite a bit about this chick you're reading about in the last 25 years) in areas I had never really taken the time to or had never had the opportunity to learn about. I've met some of the most incredible people. People I know will leave lasting impressions on me. People I will forever call friends. People whose kindness will never be forgotten. People who's drive and ambition will always be admired. I've met all of this and MORE in just F-I-V-E M-O-N-T-H-S! Can you believe that?
Although my move to San Francisco was one that was literally a no brainer for me, I can honestly say, that moment when I sat on a train after being offered an opportunity to come to San Francisco, thinking to myself, "My whole life is about to change", was a dead on feeling. My life really has changed, in ways that I never imagined. I am still the same happy-go-lucky, look-on-the-brightside, idea obsessed person I was in Seattle, except this time with a little more insight, a little more zest and a lot more appreciation. This move was by far, the best decision I've ever made and I can't wait to see what the rest of my time here has in store.
As I close this note with a smile on my face and near tears in my eyes, I leave you this- if there's something in your life you've been wanting to do, whether it's a move to a new city, the change of a job, taking the time to travel, asking out that person you've felt you should ask out or something else- follow the thought and feeling. I promise, it will be the best decision you've ever made. TRUST ME.
Randomly ended up here from someone's RT and I'm so glad I did! I read this entry and it gave me that extra confidence & comfort I needed for MY move that I'm making from Portland to L.A here in the next few weeks. I obviously don't know you, but clearly things worked out and I'm super excited for you :) Thanks for a great entry! xo