Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh Ego, Where Art Thou?

Everyone has them. Some are big, some are small, some are situational and some are present in every interaction with every human being or act. Some make us laugh, some make us cry, some make us crazy and some are just plain obscene. Some of us depend on them to get by, some of us can’t quite figure out where they came from. Some of us can learn to let go of them, even if for a moment and some of us wouldn’t know who we are without them- it’s the one part of personalities that think directly affects why people portray themselves the way they do, it’s none other than: the ego.

The ego is one of those things I’ve really taken some time to think about in the last few years. Perhaps it’s been my on again off again love affair with yoga and being told time and time again to let go of the ego and just move, bend, flex, hold and breathe that brought me to the understanding. Maybe it was taking time to observe people in certain situations, whether it be in a bar, at a coffee shop, walking around town, shopping, airports, work- you name it. Realistically it was probably a combination of those and probably an analysis of my own ego that brought it all to light.

Egos really are a funny thing. They’re like our own personal wall created to block out anything that might make us feel discomfort, while in turn egos, in my opinion really only add to the discomfort everyday life can bring. Sometimes I think perhaps there’s a link between egos and testosterone levels as it seems that it’s often the ones with higher levels come with bigger egos- almost like the more emotionally in touch you are with yourself and others, the less you’re ego gets in the way. I’m not a scientist or biologist or doctor, or psychologist for that matter, so I don’t really know. But, It sure seems like there’s a connection.

The funny thing about egos is where the line is drawn between confidence and egotistic behavior. Where is that balance when the ego is a bit over confident? Sure, confidence is sexy, and it’s important that we all learn to be confident with who we are, but sometimes I think one mask people make in their lack of self-confidence or their insecurities is through overbearing egos. You know what I’m talking about- the kind of person who walks around thinking they’re above others, only interacts with those they feel are “worthy” of their interaction or to their “level”. Those who bring others down as if they are any better that that person. The people do kind things for others, only for the benefit they receive.

But, there’s another side to egos that always strike me. There’s the ego I believe comes from hiding insecurities and there’s the ego that comes from success- both of which are always a turn off for me when meeting people. There’s also nothing worse than those who know they are fortunate, flaunt it and throw themselves so high up on their pedestal that at the end of the day they probably don’t even know who they really are deep down inside.

I personally know when my ego comes out to play, because it often becomes the time when I forget to absorb what’s going on in the lives of the people around me or close to me. The moments when I feel myself caring what others think, whether it be about my work, my writing, what I’m wearing, how I look. Sure, parts of this are all normal, but I like that I can actually pin point when it’s present.

If there’s one thing I wish I could see more of in the world it’s seeing people take a step back from their inner world, seeing what that ego is for them, giving some thought to how big it is and when it does arise and learning to just let it go. Then again, sometimes I wonder if that would make life and interacting with others just too easy for some- and as we all know, some people just can't handle things being easy.

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